Hotel Savoy Florence
Florence, Italy

Property Style :
City Hotel
General Manager :
Giancarlo Rizzi
Rates from :
EUR 790
Rooms & Suites :
Check in/out : 3pm / 12pm
The Duomo, the Ponte Vecchio, and Via de Tornabuoni nowhere have neighbors like Hotel Savoy. In pride of place on the Piazza della Repubblica, amongst the city’s leading landmarks, an iconic Florentine hotel.
Dressed by Laudomia Pucci and Olga Polizzi, in signature prints and Renaissance antiques. Catered by Fulvio Pierangelini, in definitive Tuscan style. It is filled with character, a breath of fresh air in a city steeped in history. Realised by Rocco Forte Hotels.
Piazza della Repubblica 7,Florence, Italy